How to Safeguard Your Family Against Winter Allergies and Sinus Issues
Winter sniffles aren’t a new thing – they’ve always been pretty common during the winter months. Symptoms like congestion, runny nose, frequent sneezing, headaches, and fatigue might intensify given the winter season’s cooler and drier air.
While the winter season feels short-lived in Florida, you and your loved ones still want to enjoy the months the cooler weather brings.

Winter Allergies and Sinus Issues in Florida
What are common winter allergies in Florida?
Florida has a unique warmer and milder winter season. It rarely dips below the freezing point here and snow is rare. This means pollen from grass, weeds, and trees can be a year-round occurrence as vegetation continues without a dormant season – unlike in some states where allergy sufferers can enjoy a short break from allergies during the winter months.
There is also an increase in the number of indoor allergens as people spend more time indoors, after all, the air gets chilly during the winter months. Indoor allergens like dust, dust mites, mold, and pet dander increase and can trigger allergic reactions for many.
Is there an increase in sinus issues during the winter?
Although mild, Florida's winter is colder than the rest of the year. Colder air means drier air and the lack of moisture in the air can impact your sinus health.
Dry air can cause dryness and irritation in the sinuses. This leads to inflammation and prevents proper mucus drainage. Blocked sinuses increase the risk of sinus infections.
Protect Your Family From Winter Allergies and Sinus Issues
- Keep yourself hydrated and moisturize your sinuses
Winter air is not only cold, it is also dry and this can impact your sinus health. Counter this by keeping yourself hydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and try to limit your alcohol and coffee consumption as these can be extra dehydrating.
Use ointments and moisturizers on your nose, especially if they feel dry and irritated. Although they cannot treat sinus issues, they offer instant relief and comfort.
- Use a humidifier and air purifier
Bring back moisture into the air by running an indoor humidifier and decrease the risk of drying and irritating your sinuses. Additionally, run a good-quality air purifier inside your home, preferably one with a HEPA filter. This can get rid of airborne allergens, irritants, and contaminants that can put your family’s health at risk.
- Stay away from your allergens
No matter what you’re allergic to – pollens, mold, dust mites, etc. – it would be in your best interest to take proactive steps to minimize your exposure to them.
Monitor pollen counts and plan your day accordingly. During days when pollen counts are high, stay indoors and close the doors and windows to your home. If you can’t stay in, wear protective clothing when going out, and once you get home, immediately change out of your outdoor clothes and wash them.
- Keep your home clean
As people tend to spend more time indoors come wintertime, make sure you keep your home clean. Regularly vacuum, clean, and dust around your home. Change and wash bedding regularly, especially if you have pets at home. Along the same line, clean and maintain your HVAC system to ensure it’s working properly.
- Try nasal irrigation and steam inhalation
Get rid of nasal congestion and moisturize your sinuses via nasal irrigation and saline nasal sprays. Steam inhalation is also a tried and true DIY home method that can clear blocked nasal passages and moisturize dry and irritated sinuses.
- Ensure good indoor air quality
Aside from using a humidifier and air purifier, paying attention to ventilation will ensure good indoor air quality. Stale air is often drier and can irritate your sinuses. If the weather permits, crack open a few doors and windows to circulate fresh air in your home. Additionally, use exhaust fans where your home needs them to make sure the air is constantly moving.
- Maintain healthy habits and boost your immunity
Your family’s best defense against winter sinus issues is a strong immune system. Maintain healthy habits by making sure you eat nutrient and vitamin-rich foods and drink plenty of water. Regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and frequent handwashing can also further boost one’s immunity. To take it a step further, learn effective stress management techniques and consider adding vitamins and supplements to your family’s diet.
- Consult with an expert
If you’re especially concerned about your and your family’s sinus health this winter season, make an appointment with Gulf Coast Breathe Free. Our team is committed to helping families stay healthy and keep their sinuses in top shape no matter how cold or hot the weather gets. Schedule a consultation with us today and safeguard your family against pesky winter allergies and other sinus issues!